Prepare. Prevent. Respond.

Elite defensive shooting and firearms training for organizations and individuals with an emphasis on proper techniques and application.


I68 Consulting Group is a premier defensive shooting company led by experienced I68 Instructors with extensive Special Operations Forces (SOF) backgrounds. Our mission is to deliver personalized training to empower shooters at all levels fostering continuous improvement and proficiency in defensive shooting scenarios.

Welcome to the I68 Family!

At I68, we’re all about helping you crush your training goals, no matter where you are in your training journey. That’s why we keep our training sessions personal with a maximum 1:4 instructor to client ratio. Whether you’re new to shooting or a seasoned shooter, we’re here to partner with you an smash those training objectives.

We love building community, so we throw special events for our I68 Family, like I68 Alumni and exclusive I68 Valkyries Events as well as fundraisers to help our community. These gatherings bring us together and highlight the importance of training as a team. Check out our defensive shooting courses today and join of our close-knit family.

— Marc
Owner of I68 Consulting Group, LLC

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